Tuesday, November 12, 2013

baby's month

This month we started our birthing classes! They'll be the first 3 weeks of the month on Tuesday nights-it's crazy! In our class there are 6 couples including us; we're half and half too, 3 expecting girls and 3 expecting boys! It's funny because we went around and introduced ourselves and babies and all the families with boys had names for them and all the ones with girls didn't! There is one other couple due by the end of this year; their due date for their little boy is the day before ours, December 23rd. I'm really looking forward to being able to sit with Alex and learn a thing or two together because unlike me he will probably soak things in and remember them better than me with my scattered baby brain.

Just me after our second class!

I had my second shower on the 9th here in Georgia and it was a blast! It was a grey and pink chevron theme with elephants and turned out so cute thanks to my mother-in-law and sweet aunt-in-law and lots of others I'm sure! In my ward we have a fabulous cake maker who made the cutest cake you ever saw for Baby Peach and it was so delicious! I got so many wonderful and handmade things it was super awesome and I'm so glad to have so many friends and family who love and support our little growing one!

Cute decorations everywhere!

the spread-so tasty!

I forgot to take a picture before we dug in but isn't it awesome!?

My dear friend Hillary on her mission in the D.C. area knows I am a Redskins fan and mailed us the cutest outfits for a darling girl so she can be a fan like her mama and grandpa Steve! I love it!

This month is certainly going to be all about Baby and getting everything ready that we can and need for her! We are getting anxious to see her and Alex is prepping to be the best dad ever, it's the sweetest thing.

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