Monday, December 9, 2013

false alarm

It happened! On Saturday morning I thought my water might've broke. 
So naturally Alex went into panic and I went into denial. 
He was in the shower when I told him and he wanted me to call the doctor but since it was a weekend (after hours) they had to check me at the hospital, which is literally across the street from their office. 
Of course I hadn't packed my hospital bag so I did that first and took a nice warm shower all the while putting Alex over the edge-he really wanted to make sure everything was ok. 
When we got there we found out that the paperwork and insurance forms I had given them a week or two earlier was never entered and so we had to sit down and do the whole process right then and there. It was a good thing I wasn't really in labor!
It was a super slow day at the hospital so we felt no rush or pressure and were able to see what will happen when Baby really is on her way! The nurses were nice and a fellow doctor from the office I go to was there and super friendly and informative. 
After checking Baby's heartbeat and showing us that I was having contractions (just not "big" ones or any I could feel) they sent us home and we just relaxed for the rest of the day. 

I think we were both kind of happy to have a sort of test run and hopefully when out little peach does come we will be able to stay calm and have a pleasant experience. 
I am so happy that I have Alex as my forever soulmate and am really hoping Baby has more of his features than mine because he's so dang attractive! 
I can't believe we are growing our family and I am really hoping to be the best wife and mother I can be because I truly do have the best husband and baby!

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